STATE OF________________
COUNTY OF_______________
TO THE CLERK OF THE CHANCERY COURT OF ___________________ COUNTY,____________:
________________________, a Condominium, established pursuant to the ________________Condominium Law and pursuant to the authority granted by a Declaration of Restrictions, filed pursuant to Section_______ , _______________________Code Annotated,_________________, hereby gives notice that by virtue of Section ________________,___________________ Code Annotated,_______________________ , that it claims a lien for the common expenses assessment as shown against the following described properties for the calendar year ________, to-wit:
Said lots are duly recorded according to maps or plats recorded in the __________________ County Chancery Clerk’s office located in________________ ,____________________ ,________________________ County, together with all rights thereunto pertaining.
The nature of the lien sought to be enforced is as follows:The lien arises by virtue of certain assessments levied against the above described real property by the_________________for annual assessments of charges and special assessments for capitol improvements, major repairs not covered by insurance, and for such other matters as the association determined to be proper, pursuant to Articles _______________of the ___________________being on file in the office of the__________________________Clerk of ____________________ County,_________________ in Deed Book__________ at page ____________The lien additionally arises byvirtue of the provisions of Section_______________ of the _______________Code
Annotated,__________________ , wherein said lien and Notice of Assessment in a Condominium Book is authorized.
Said assessment constitutes a lien against said property as of ______________ , 20_____but is due and payable in equal monthly installments on the first day of each calendar month in the amount of $ _____. Record assessment payment is kept and is available for inspection at the office of The__________________, Post Office Box___________ ,______________________ ,__________________________, between the hours of ______ a.m. and __________p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.
The execution and recording of this lien in no way eliminates delinquencies in homeowners assessments that have accrued or occurred in prior years. This lien covers all
assessments due for the current year as well as any arrearages or delinquencies from prior years.
BY:___________________________ PRESIDENT
STATE OF_______________
COUNTY OF__________________
PERSONALLY appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for the above jurisdiction, the within named ___________________ ,who being by me first duly sworn, states on oath that he/she isthe President of the _______________ , and signed and delivered theabove and foregoing Notice of Assessment on behalf of____________________, being duly authorized to do so, on the day and year set forth above, and that the nature and facts contained therein are true and correct as therein stated.
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, on this the ____________day of_________________, 20_____ .
NOTARY PUBLIC_________________________
My Commission Expires:______________________________
State Specific Condominium Forms
—- For State Specific Condominium Forms you can download in Word format, go to